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Land Development and Subdivision

Planning Services Department oversees planning, subdivision, sustainability initiatives, building inspection, and business licence services. This department is responsible for ensuring that land and buildings are developed in an orderly and safe manner, considering social, environmental, economic, and cultural factors.

Development Planning Overview

Planning Services administers the following:

  • Processing applications related to the development of land and buildings, including development permits, development variance permits, and approvals granted through the Board of Variance,

  • Processing amendments to the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw, and

  • Processing subdivision applications.

Where Do I Start?

Major or complex development projects may require you to complete a number of steps before a project can be built.

  1. Do you have the appropriate OCP Designation or Zoning?
    Check the Sustainable Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw to check that the use, form and character, and density of your proposed project align. You may need to apply for a OCP Amendment, Zoning Bylaw Amendment, or both before proceeding further. Or, you may need to apply for a rezoning. Learn more…

  2. Do you need to subdivide?
    Subdivision means adjusting lot boundaries between two or more lots, creating new lots, creating a bare land strata development, or creating a strata conversion. The subdivision process begins once the correct zoning is in place. Learn more…

  3. Do you need a temporary use permit?
    Temporary use permits allow a temporary use that otherwise would not be permitted by the Zoning Bylaw for a period of up to three years, with potential for renewal for an additional three years. Learn more…

  4. Do you need a Development Permit?
    The Sustainable Official Community Plan identifies parts of our community that are subject to Development Permits in order to provide form and character design guidelines or protect the natural environment. Learn more…

  5. Do you need a Variance?
    A Development Variance Permit is issued by Council, and allows variations of zoning, subdivision or sign bylaw provisions. It cannot vary the use of land or density established in applicable City bylaws. A Development Variance Permit is granted for a specific purpose and the development must conform to the specifications set out in the approval. Most permits deal with setbacks and height. Learn more…