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Temporary Use Permits

Temporary Use Permits

Temporary Use Permits

Temporary Use Permits are established via the Zoning Bylaw for commercial, industrial, and civic zones. Temporary Use Permits may also be used for a “farm camping” (seasonal tent camping on a farm for not more than 30 days) use on A2 zoned parcels sized 10 acres or larger.

Section 5.23 of the Zoning Bylaw identifies considerations for the issuance of a TUP, plus any others that Council may deem reasonable:

(i) that the temporary use will operate at an intensity of use suitable to the surrounding area and with low impact on the natural environment:

(ii) that the temporary use will be compatible with other surrounding land uses in terms of use, design, and operation;

(iii) that the ability to conduct the temporary use elsewhere in the City is limited;

(iv) that the temporary use will operate on a temporary basis only, with plans or a letter of undertaking to terminate the use prior to the permit expiry date submitted and forming part of the permit;

(v) a financial security to ensure the temporary use is removed and the site appropriately restored.

A TUP can be issued for up to three years and may be renewed by Council for a further extension not exceeding three years. For a use to be permitted beyond six years, the applicant needs to make a new TUP application before the expiry of the previous renewal and be granted approval by Council. Click here to download an application.

How to Submit your Application

Hard copies of applications can be submitted at City Hall during our office hours.

Electronic copies of applications can also be submitted by email, with arrangements made to pay application fees at City Hall.

When submitting applications, please ensure that the application and necessary attachments are complete to avoid delays in processing your application.

Please check City of Powell River Fee Bylaw for current Planning Services fees.


Staff are available to assist with planning inquiries during office hours. Feel free to make an appointment to ensure that the person best able to assist you is available.

Contact Us

Planning Services Department

Email us
Call us at 604 485 8650


Monday to Friday
8:30am to 4:30pm
Closed on holidays

Quick Links

Development Application Fees (see Schedule A)

Temporary Use Permit Application


Zoning Bylaw