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Infrastructure & Operations

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DepartmentsInfrastructure & OperationsEngineering ServicesEngineering Services Overview

Engineering Services Division

The Engineering Services Division is responsible for the design, and implementation of the capital construction program that provides replacement and improvements to the City's infrastructure. In preparing and implementing this program, the Engineering Division consults closely with the Development Services and Operational Services Divisions. One of the key functions of this group is to review the engineering requirements for property development as required by the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw. The Engineering Division also tracks and records information relating to changes in infrastructure, responding to the Operational Services Division inquiries and observations on the field and providing the support needed to operate and maintain the City’s infrastructure.

Forms and Permits

Application forms and permits need to be completed in full and submitted to City Hall.

Application - Notification to Construction

Parade Permit

Special Traffic Permit

Hydrant use Form

Engineering Services Helpful Hints & Frequently Asked Questions

Preliminary Works and Services Review Application - Subdivision

Preliminary Works and Services Review Application - Single Lot

Street Lighting

Street lighting increases nighttime safety for road users and reduces crime levels.

The two main classifications are “Ornamental” and “Lease” lights. Ornamental lights are maintained by the City of Powell River and are typically on galvanized steel or concrete heritage-type posts. Lease lights are typically on wood poles and are owned and maintained by BC Hydro at locations throughout the City.

Report a Street Light Outage

For maintenance on any of these lights, please take note of these important details:

  • -Location of the light

  • -What type of pole is the street light on, i.e. metal or wood

Please call the Engineering Department at 604-485-8604 or email jmaclean@powellriver.ca

Registering a BC Hydro Street Light Outage

If the light is out on a wood pole, City of Powell River staff will register that outage with BC Hydro’s computerized reporting system. Once registered, BC Hydro places it on a priority listing. At this point the City of Powell River cannot check on the progress of BC Hydro’s repairs and are unable to attempt to expedite the process.

Plans and Studies

One of the main responsibilities of Engineering Services Division is long-term planning for our infrastructure. Numerous reports and studies have been compiled to assist in determining the status of our infrastructure along with recommended actions. The following reports have been endorsed by Council to be used by staff in making decisions for budgeting and planning purposes:

Sanitary Sewer System Collection

In 2006-2007 Kerr Wood Leidal prepared a Westview Watershed Master Drainage Plan to evaluate the drainage system in the Westview Area. This plan forms a part of the City's commitment under the Liquid Waste Management Plan to prepare a storm water management strategy. The Westview area was the first phase of this project.

The objective of the study is to produce a plan that improves current procedures to allow:

  • development to proceed in a manner that minimizes flooding, erosion and impacts to water quality;

  • improvement to existing storm water infrastructure; and

  • cost-effective operation and maintenance of storm infrastructure.

A future project we are considering includes a corridor study and a traffic network model to review the impact of future development on City roads. The study will be using computer modelling to assess the various impacts on our current and future road network and determine the needs for connectivity of our transportation corridors.

Two other studies were also commissioned as part of the Liquid Waste Management Plan. Feasibility study for sewer servicing of lots using onsite septic and a water efficiency study. Also, the City developed and adopted a source control bylaw. Along with this bylaw, staff are proceeding with an education program.

Westview Watershed Master Drainage Plan

Two studies have been completed in an effort to gain insight and make recommendations on our water supply. In 2003 the Ministry of Environment significantly changed its regulations regarding drinking water through the Drinking Water Protection Act. As a result, the City decided to undertake studies to review the water distribution system and water treatment facilities to determine upgrading requirements.

2019 Model Update & Capacity Analysis

Ministry of Environment Water Stewardship Division

Climatic Data

This study reviews supply capacity, system redundancy and water quality issues, including a detailed look at the distribution system for deficiencies and upgrading options.
Drinking Water Protection Act Implementation

This report forms a five-year action plan for the operation and maintenance of the existing drinking water infrastructure. It includes assessment of facilities, maintenance procedures, treatment plan, monitoring, emergency response plan, and a watershed assessment. The work provides a guide for the City to meet the current Drinking Water Protection Act and Regulation.
Drinking Water Systems Improvements Infrastructure Stimulus Funds FAQ

Pavement Management Program

In 2004 the City completed an in-depth analysis of the road network. This included examining and inventorying the condition of the roadways. As a result of this report Council has created a reserve fund to improve our roads.

Haslam Lake and Lang Creek Integrated Watershed Management Plan

The Haslam Lake and Lang Creek watershed provides domestic water to the City of Powell River and the community of Brew Bay. The Powell River Regional District has also identified Lang Creek as a potential future water supply. An Integrated Watershed Management Plan (IWMP), a consensus-based process, was initiated for the watershed in 1993 by MOF and MELP in response to local concerns regarding protection of domestic water supplies. The purpose of the IWMP is to detail a land and resource management plan for the watershed that will ensure that water quality, quantity and timing of flows is given the highest priority in all resource management decisions. Government agencies, water purveyors and other stakeholders who had a direct interest in the watershed were invited to participate in the planning process. Input was also solicited from other interested groups and from the public. The IWMP provides the opportunity for more comprehensive management of the watersheds than would normally be provided for by existing regulation, such as the Forest Practices Code of BC Act (FPC).