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Business Façade Improvement Program


City of Powell River and Community Futures Powell River are offering a one-time matching grant, preferred lending, and design services as part of the Business Façade Improvement Program.

The program is intended to improve the physical appearance of building facades in Powell River’s neighbourhood commercial areas. Eligible properties are any operating commercial street facing businesses in City of Powell River, with a focus on businesses directly facing the city’s commercial corridors.

Eligible applications will propose improvements to the parts of commercial buildings that face the street. Examples of improvements include outside lighting, awnings, doors, windows, architectural elements, paint, siding, moulding, and trim. The program does not include landscaping and outdoor furniture, interior improvements, or routine maintenance and structural repairs

In previous years, the program has provided a 50 per cent matching grant of up to $3,000 per building or project, or up to $6,000 if the building is on a street corner for projects valued at $10,000 or more.

Download the BFIP 2023 Program Brief to learn more…

For more information, please contact:

Allison Boulanger
Executive Director
Community Futures Powell River
200-4717 Marine Avenue
Powell River, BC V8A 2L2
email: allison@prfutures.ca