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Zoning and Official Community Plan

Sustainable Official Community Plan

The 2014 Sustainable Official Community Plan (SOCP) is the City’s roadmap for our community’s future over the next 15 to 20 years. It establishes objectives and policies to achieve our goals in the areas of land use, natural environment, community life, infrastructure, and the local economy.

In terms of land use, the SOCP establishes growth management goals and designates future land uses to achieve those goals. Key considerations include making sure we have enough land to meet future demand for homes and businesses.

Official Community Plan Amendments

The SOCP is a roadmap, but it is not a crystal ball. Sometimes development opportunities require a change in land use designation, a change to the SOCP text, or both. Official Community Plan Amendments are considered by Council and go through the Public Hearing process.

Zoning Bylaw

The Zoning Bylaw implements the Sustainable Official Community Plan by regulating the use of land, the location of uses on land, the size of parcels created by subdivision, and density. Zoning creates a predictable way to manage future growth and reduce conflicts between land uses.

Zoning Bylaw Amendments

Your development proposal may require the Zoning Bylaw to be amended to rezone your property or to change the text of the Zoning Bylaw.

When applying for an amendment to the Zoning Bylaw, an amendment to the Official Community Plan may also be necessary, and these two types of applications can be processed together. As a part of the application process, all of these types of applications require a Public Hearing in order to provide all interested parties the opportunity to address Council.

What to Expect

How To Apply

Please click here for the Zoning and/or Official Community Plan Amendment Application Form.

For an assessment on what applies to your proposal, please make an appointment with Planning Services Staff.