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DepartmentsPlanningLand DevelopmentDevelopment Variance Permits

Development Variance Permits

A Development Variance Permit is issued by Council, and allows variations of Zoning, Subdivision or Sign Bylaw provisions. It cannot vary the use of land or density established in applicable City bylaws. A variance permit is granted for a specific purpose and the development must conform to the specifications set out in the approval. Most permits deal with setbacks and height. A Variance can also be considered as part of a Development Permit. Staff will work with you to help determine your requirements.

If compliance with a Zoning Bylaw provision, such as setback or building height, is minor and would cause undue hardship, you can consider apply to the Board of Variance instead of applying for a Development Variance Permit.

What to Expect

Development Variance Permit Application

How To Apply

Please click here for the Development Variance Permit Application.

For an assessment on what applies to your proposal, please make an appointment with Planning Services Staff.