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Short-Term Rentals


City of Powell River allows the short-term rental (STR) of rooms or dwellings for less than 90 consecutive days or less in your principal residence.


On April 18, 2024, City of Powell River updated Business Licence Bylaw 2226, 2010 to bring STR business licence requirements in line with the provincial Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act (2023).

  • Renting a dwelling or part of a dwelling for less than 90 consecutive days or less requires a City of Powell River Business Licence and registration with the Government of BC’s short-term rental program.

  • You may be required to legalize and declare a secondary suite in your home.

  • The STR operation must take place in your principal residence.

  • You are required to display your City of Powell River Business Licence number on your STR advertisement or listing on a website like Airbnb.

  • One STR is permitted per lot.

  • STR's are permitted in R1, R2, R3, R3A, RA1, A0, A1, A2, and CD4 zones.

  • Up to two adult guests per bedroom, eight adults total are allowed.

  • $180 annual business licence fee. $100/day fine for advertising without a licence.

Vacation rental operations, or the renting of a property that is not your primary residence, is no longer permitted.

Traveller accommodation use is permitted in C1, C4, and MX zones.

Please review the STR Information Sheet under “Quick Links” for more information.


The BC Ministry of Housing has information for STR hosts. Please visit:

City of Powell River led a research and public consultation program in 2017 and 2018 to understand effective ways to manage STR's in our community. The Summary Report found that regulations need to balance the following competing goals:

  • Ensure that viable long-term rental housing is not converted into short-term rental stock;

  • Support affordable home ownership;

  • Provide tourist accommodation that is family-friendly, pet-friendly and welcoming, especially during busy summer seasons and for special events;

  • Avoid taking business away from Powell River’s tourist accommodation operators; and

  • Support safety, reduce noise, and manage parking in residential neighbourhoods.