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Home-Based Businesses


A Home-Based Business is business activity on your principal residence property, whether it is in your home or in an accessory building on your lot. Because a home-based business is commercial activity happening in a residential area, the City’s Zoning Bylaw 2100, 2006 places limits on the kinds of activities that can take place. If you have a home-based business, you need to obtain a Business Licence to operate.

General Requirements

General requirements for home-based businesses include:

  • Maximum of two home-based businesses per dwelling unit.

  • Meet parking and setback requirements and other bylaw requirements.

  • Maintain the residential character of the property or buildings, including no exterior storage of materials or goods or external operations.

  • No use of a vehicle larger than 5500 kg gross vehicle weight, or the use of any vehicle that compromises the privacy, peace, and enjoyment of adjacent owners.

  • Must not create noise, dust, vibration, smell, heat, smoke, odours, glare, electrical or radio interference, fire hazard, or nuisance.

  • Cabinetry, woodworking, furniture making, ice making, and other similar uses are only allowed for Rural Home-Based Businesses.

  • The following are strictly prohibited:

    • Mechanical repair or servicing of vehicles, engines, heavy duty equipment, trailers, or boats

    • Sawmills and/or lumber processing

    • Industrial scale or hazardous business use, including welding

    • Animal kennels and other uses, excluding grooming

    • Cutting and/or wrapping of wild game or other animal products

    • Adult business use

    • Resale outlets, such as pawnbrokers or mushroom buyers

    • Drycleaning and laundry service

Types of Home-Based Businesses

There are three kinds of home-based businesses:

  • Minor: Any A1, A2, RM or R Zone, or a dwelling unit in any C Zone. No non-resident employees. Maximum of 20% of the dwelling gross floor area, to a maximum of 50 square metres (538 sqft). No customers on-site.

  • Major: Any R, A1, or A2 Zone. Requires a fire and safety inspection. Not more than one non-resident employee. Maximum of 30% of the total gross floor area, to a maximum of 75 square metres (800 sqft). No more than 3 pre-arranged customer visits at any time and a maximum of twenty customers in a day. Operations between 7am and 8pm only.

  • Rural: R2, RA1, A1, or A2 Zone on lots greater than 4,000 square metres (1 acre). Requires a fire and safety inspection. Not more than two non-resident employees. Maximum of 30% of the total gross floor area, to a maximum of 93 square metres (1000 sqft). No more than 3 pre-arranged customer visits at any time and a maximum of twenty customers in a day.

Contact Us

Building and Licensing

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Call us at 604-485-8614


Monday to Friday
8:30am to 4:30pm
Closed on holidays

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