Logo of City of Powell River

Bylaw Enforcement & Animal Control

Properties, Partnerships and Communications

Garbage, Recycling and Organics

Fire Rescue

Financial Services


Infrastructure & Operations

Parks, Recreation & Culture

DepartmentsPlanningBusiness LicensesBusiness Licences Overview

Business Licences

Any person owning or operating a business within the City of Powell River must obtain a Business Licence. This applies to all retail and commercial establishments, management and professional firms, home-based businesses, and recreational cannabis retailers. Non-resident business owners or operators whose premises are located outside of the City, but conduct business in Powell River, are also required to have a Business Licence.

Business Licences are issued annually.

Business Licences Overview

The Planning Services Department administers the following:

  • Processing of business licence applications

  • Business licence inspections where applicable

Applications and Forms

Please visit the Business Licence Application page for the relevant application forms.

Business owners are required to notify the City of Powell River of any changes to their business licence, such as new owners or a new address.


The City issues a business licence when the applicant can demonstrate compliance with several City departments’ regulations, including building and fire safety requirements. Regulations vary by type of business being conducted.

The Zoning Bylaw regulates which business activities are permitted in each zone. You need to have a location for your business selected before you can apply for a Business Licence. Feel free to call or visit City Hall to confirm that your chosen location is appropriately zoned for your business operations before purchasing or leasing the site.

Other Support

If you are starting a new business, you must comply with a number of Municipal, Provincial and Federal regulations. The regulations that will apply depend on the type of business you intend to operate. Check out Biz Pal for a checklist of permits from all three levels of Government.