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Recreational Cannabis Retail Stores


A cannabis store is a retail business that displays, sells, or offers for sale cannabis. Cannabis consumption in the store is not permitted.

A cannabis store must be a stand-alone use, which means it cannot be combined with another use, such as a convenience store. However, cannabis stores can occur in a multi-tenant building or as part of a mixed-use development.

All cannabis stores require both provincial licence and City of Powell River business licence to operate. A City of Powell River business licence can only be issued once all required municipal approvals and fees have been obtained.

Provincial Licence Application

Anyone interested in applying to open a cannabis retail store in Powell River will need to first apply to the Province via the application portal.

The Province will forward eligible applications to the City of Powell River. If an application is forwarded to the City, the applicant will be required to pay a $2,000 application fee.

In order to be eligible to apply (in addition to meeting all relevant provincial legislation), applications must comply with the City of Powell River Zoning Bylaw. Cannabis retail use is permitted in the C1, C4, MX, MC, and W1 Zones with conditions. The Zoning Bylaw requires that cannabis retail uses be separated from each other and from schools, playgrounds, and City-owned recreational facilities by 150 metres.

Public Consultation

City Council will make a recommendation to the Province on whether to approve or deny a cannabis retail licence application. The Province will not issue a licence without a favourable municipal recommendation. Please see Council Policy #196 Public Notice and Public Input Requirements for more information.

Business Licence

Once the cannabis retail store owner or operator receives the Provincial Licence, they will be required to apply to the City of Powell River for a Business Licence. Please click here for the Business Licence Application Form (PDF).

How To Apply

Please click here for the Liquor Cannabis Application Form .