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City HallI Want To...Appear as a Delegation to Council

Appear as a Delegation

All delegations requesting permission to appear before Council or the Committee of the Whole are required to submit a written request to the City Clerk. The written request must include the following information:

  • Presenter name and contact information

  • Meeting date

  • Details of the presentation subject

  • Background or resource information, if any

  • Advisement of the form of presentation i.e. PowerPoint, video, oral, etc.

The written request may be:

  • Emailed to info@powellriver.ca

  • Mailed to the City Clerk at City Hall, 6910 Duncan Street, Powell River, V8A 1V4

  • Dropped off at the Administration Counter at City Hall, or

See the meetings schedule online.

All delegation requests will be processed according to the following delegation request deadlines. Written delegation requests to appear at a Council meeting must be received by the City Clerk by 4 pm on the Thursday of the week preceding the meeting. Written delegation requests to appear at a Committee of the Whole meeting must be received by the City Clerk by 12 pm (noon) on the Wednesday of the week preceding the meeting. Where the written request has not been received by the City Clerk by the deadlines, the delegation may address the meeting at the discretion of the presiding Chair of the meeting.

If you have any questions regarding delegation requests, please contact the Corporate Officer at 604-485-8603, or by email: cjackson@powellriver.ca