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Recycling Collection

Since 2019, the City of Powell River has been part of the RecycleBC program, like 176 other communities across BC. RecycleBC has two processing sites in BC where collected materials are mixed with other communities’ products, then sorted and baled with similar materials. Once baled, materials are sold to make new products or packaging. 98% of plastic collected stays in BC.

We can do our part by:

  • setting out materials accepted in the RecycleBC program to keep contamination low. To learn more about accepted materials click here - recycleBC

  • Using curbside collection before depots to help reduce GHG emissions, and

  • Choosing products with recycling options at the time of purchase.

What To Do:

  • Please have your cleaned materials in a container at the curbside no earlier than 5 am, but no later than 7:30 am on your scheduled collection day.

  • Place items loosely and neatly in bin, not in a plastic bag.

  • All cardboard/boxboard must be flattened. Flatten and bundle corrugated boxes. No items larger than 8” thick, 30” wide and 30” tall.

  • Bins are not provided but please keep in mind they are manually lifted by staff and will be left behind if there is potential for injury.

  • Carts meant for automated collection (containers with wheels and hinged lids) are to be used at homeowner’s risk. Carts collected with automated arm will not be replaced by the city if damaged.

  • Recycling materials are not limited; volumes will be accepted within a reasonable amount.

  • Large volumes are to be taken directly to a recycling depot.

Bins will be rejected and left behind if:

  • it contains any unaccepted materials (soft plastic, styrofoam or glass)

  • placed in a blue plastic bag

  • set out too close to another object

  • Not clearly seen from street

Notice – Route E: Since January 2021, Route E has been on a pilot program that collects recycling weekly. This program will come to an end March 28th, 2024 and recycling will be collected every second week like the rest of the City.

What can I recycle?

Use the WasteWise app search tool to find out what waste items can go where.

Most packaging and paper can be collected curbside (for example: paper, paper packaging and boxboard, plastic containers, cartons and paper cups, aluminum and steel containers).

More items are accepted at a depot for recycling (for example: glass bottles and jars, flexible plastics, overwrap, foam packaging, batteries, light bulbs, paint, oils, electronics.

Contact Us

Operational Services Secretary


8 am - 4 pm (excluding holidays)
Monday – Friday

Closed on all Stat holidays

Quick Links

Curbside Collection Schedule
WasteWise app
City of Powell River Facebook
Talk Trash Team
Salish Soils
Waste Wise Guide
Municipal Solid Waste Collection Bylaw 2717, 2022