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Bylaw Enforcement & Animal Control

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Garbage, Recycling and Organics

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DepartmentsGarbage, Recycling and OrganicsSchedule, Placement and Route Map

Schedule, Placement and Route Map

Schedules are also available:

  • Through the qathet Waste Wise app, available from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

  • Published each month in The Peak – voice of the qathet region and qathet Living magazine.

  • Paper copies of schedules can be mailed on request, call 604 485-8657.

How to take the waste out.

  • Please have your cart at the curb in a visible location no earlier than 5 am, but no later than 7:30 am on your scheduled collection day.

  • Do not leave carts out overnight before your collection day. Avoid attracting bears and other animals leading to possible conflict with humans. Don’t be that neighbour whose waste is strewn all over the street.

  • Keep the lid closed.

  • Carts are to be placed at the curb, arrows pointed towards the road, wheels against the curb and with a minimum 1 metre (3 feet) space from any another object (including recycling containers).

  • Keep trees and vegetation pruned for access to your cart. The automated arm needs three metres (9 feet) of space above the cart for adequate clearance.

  • Carts should not obstruct vehicles or pedestrians.

  • Keep carts clean and stored on your property, when not in use.

  • Only use City provided carts, green for organics, black for garbage.

  • Large families have two options with excess waste:

    • Purchase an additional cart and have two carts out on collection day

    • Purchase a $5 tag for one extra bag, every once in a while

  • Damaged, lost and stolen carts are the responsibility of the homeowner. Replacement fee is $80.