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DepartmentsInfrastructure & OperationsHarbours & Moorage Rates

Harbours & Moorage Rates

Powell River is a standout among the great boating destinations of coastal British Columbia. Sitting on the shores of the Salish Sea and close to the world-renowned Desolation Sound, the City of Powell River manages two harbours, Westview/South Harbour and North Harbour. They provide moorage for pleasure craft, commercial and transient vessels.

Wharfinger Services are available at the Wharfinger Office from 7:30 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday, during winter months. Beginning in June and running through the summer, the office is open seven days a week from 7:30 to 4 pm. To contact the Wharfinger's office, phone 604-485-5244, or email jkinahan@powellriver.ca

Harbour Users - Experience Survey - if you visited our harbours this summer we would love to hear from you!
Please help us improve, and let us know what we're doing well by filling out a short survey.

In our ongoing environmental initiatives, the City has installed new fishing line recycling bins at both harbours and Town Centre Recycling Depot to protect marine mammals and fish from being killed by becoming entangled in fishing line. The recycling bins are for fishing line ONLY. If you fish, we ask that you please dispose of your line properly.

North Harbour is a modern, up-to-date facility, mostly for Powell River boaters. It is not for transient vessels. The harbour has annual, short-term, seniors and temporary moorage rates. There are approximately 330 mooring slips for vessels from 5-metres to 18.5 metres (16 to 60 feet).

The City’s main boat launch ramp is situated in the North Harbour, providing Powell River’s primary saltwater access.

North Harbour Mooring and Electricity Rates

For complete information on the North Harbour, please see North Harbour Rates and Regulations.

Westview/South Harbour Mooring and Electricity Rates

Westview is a small craft harbour that is partially occupied by commercial fishing vessels.

Floats 1, 2 and 3 are reserved for commercial boats.

Floats 4 and 5 are used for monthly moorage.

Floats 6 is used for monthly moorage Sept 16 – May 30 and transient vessels from Jun 1 – Sept 15.

There is a loading facility available.

South Harbour includes floats 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Entrance is at the Canadian Coast Guard Station.

Mooring is hourly, daily, monthly and transient.

From June 1 to September 15, floats 10 and 11 are reserved for transient vessels paying the daily moorage rates.

The Pump out is available from 11-3 daily on Dock 11 from May 1 – Oct 15.

There are no reservations for transient vessels. Boaters are moored on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please Note: The deadline to book a potential spot in the Westview/South Harbour expires on May 1. The rate is for a minimum of three months. If payment is not received by May 1 the daily moorage rate will be charged.



30 Ampere Electricity Rates

50 Ampere Electricity Rates

100 Ampere Electricity Rates

For complete information on the South Harbour and Wharf at Westview, see the South/Westview Harbour Bylaw.