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Early Years

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Region-wide Childcare Planning Project

In 2019, the region received a $50,000 grant from the provincial Community Child Care Planning Program through the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) to develop a comprehensive study of current and future childcare needs. The project involved conducting research and analysis, as well as delivering stakeholder and community engagements with parents/guardians, childcare providers, Early Childhood Educators and local leaders across the qathet Regional District. The final report reflects what gaps exists with childcare needs today and a framework to achieve future success over the next 10 years.

On March 12, 2020, City staff and consultants presented the Region-wide Childcare Planning Project report to the qathet Regional District Committee of the Whole. On March 17, 2020, City staff and consultants presented the report to Mayor and Council at the City of Powell River's Committee of the Whole.

Are you looking for childcare?

The Government of BC is responsible for the licensing and monitoring of childcare facilities in the province. Please refer to the Child Care Map for information on the different types of childcare programs and where licensed childcare facilities can be found in qathet Regional District (qRD). Visit: Find Childcare in BC

The province has also published a guide to assist parents in selecting and monitoring childcare. Visit: Parents’ Guide to Selecting and Monitoring Childcare in BC

See the complete list of childcare providers in the qRD (last updated, July 16, 2020).

Childcare Resources

Childcare BC is the provincial government’s childcare web portal. It includes information on the different types of childcare programs including: finding and choosing childcare, funding opportunities, opening or running childcare programs, and support for childcare providers.

The Early Childhood Educators of BC represents the early childhood care and education profession throughout the province, providing professional development opportunities, training, and resources for early childhood educators across the province and informing the broader community.

Family Friendly Powell River is a local Powell river project that provides a list of agencies, service providers, family friendly businesses/clubs, and general information that can assist you in bringing up your children. This project is managed by the Powell River Child, Youth & Family Services Society and any inquiries can be directed on their website.

Youth & Family (Powell River Child, Youth and Family Services Society) offers free services for families including drop-in programs for early years.

Are you looking to learn more about Early Years Education?

Vancouver Island University offers a Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Blended Certificate at the tiwšɛmawtxʷ Campus. For more information, please visit: https://hshs.viu.ca/early-childhood-education/ecec-blended-certificate

Quick Links:
A Guide to Opening a Licensed Child Care Facility