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City Budget

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Welcome to the City of Powell River’s Five-year Financial Plan webpage. The City is required to produce a balanced five-year financial plan annually before May 15th. The schedule for the financial planning process is shown below.

2025 – 2029 Financial Plan Reports

Financial plan reports are presented to City Council on a regular basis for input and direction to city staff. These reports from the Chief Financial Officer are given at public meetings to ensure transparency and accountability. As the process progresses, links to the reports will be added.

2024 Sewer Parcel Tax Rates

The City charges sewer parcel taxes to help fund the capital cost of the sewer collection and treatment service. These taxes are charged based on a property’s frontage in feet, multiplied by the parcel tax rates as set in the parcel tax bylaws.

2024 Sanitary Sewer System User Fee Rates

The City charges sewer user fees to help fund the operating cost of the sewer collection and treatment service. The user fee rates are set out in the sewer system user fee bylaw.

2025 Property Tax Information

Property taxes are one of the ways the City of Powell River collects revenue to pay for municipal services like police, firefighting, recreation, parks, and programs to build a healthier and thriving coastal community. The amount you pay is based on the funds the City needs to provide municipal services each year, and your property assessment.

Provincial Property Tax Deferment Program Information

The Property Tax Deferment Program is a provincial loan program that permits qualified BC home owners to defer their annual property taxes on their principle residence if certain criteria are met.

Provincial Home Owner Grant Program

The home owner grant program reduces the amount of property taxes you pay each year on your principal residence. The grant is available to homeowners who pay property taxes to a municipality, or to the province if they live in a rural area. Most eligible home owners qualify for the regular grant.

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Financial Services


8:30 am - 4:30 pm (excluding holidays)
Monday – Friday

Closed on all statutory holidays