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Fire Education, Recruitment, & Donations

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Fire Safety Education

Powell River Fire Rescue is dedicated to providing citizens with the support they need to keep themselves safe. There is no cost for these sessions.

  • Fire Extinguisher Training

  • Fire Safety inspections for business license applications.

  • Pre-incident Emergency Response Planning (including lock-boxes)

  • Free Smoke Detector Program for Seniors

  • Emergency Preparedness Education

  • Fire and Life Safety Education

To book training or a fire safety education session for your business or group, contact: fire@powellriver.ca

Auxiliary Firefighters/Recruitment

Auxiliary firefighters provide a valuable service to our community by supplementing the service provided by full-time career firefighters. The minimum number of firefighters to safely respond to a low hazard structure fire (i.e.: single family dwellings) is 14. This can only be achieved through a combination response between career and auxiliary firefighters. All auxiliaries are considered City employees on a paid on-call status.

Interested in Joining?

Powell River Fire Rescue periodically runs recruit programs for new members. This year-long program will provide basic skills to respond to incidents. Members are then provided with ongoing training and support with the goal to achieve competency as a Full-Service Operations Level Firefighter. Many of our career firefighters started as auxiliary members.

Interested in a rewarding opportunity? View the checklist for eligibility and watch for postings on our Facebook page. If you already have firefighting experience, email fire@powellriver.ca

Entry Requirements & Expectations


Powell River Fire Rescue conducts training in abandoned, vacant or ready to be demolished structures. For more information see Demolishing a Vacant Building.

Do you want to donate a vehicle to be used for automotive extrication training? Use the Vehicle Donation Form.