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DepartmentsAdministrationHarbour Users Advisory Committee

Harbour Users Advisory Committee

The City of Powell River invited interested individuals to submit an application to serve as a member of the Harbour Users Advisory Committee (Committee).

The Committee will provide advice to Council regarding communication, feedback, operations, issues, long-term planning, and any other matter the Committee wishes to refer to Council regarding the North, South and Westview harbours.

At a closed Committee of the Whole meeting on March 5, 2024, the applicants were considered and the Rise and Report was forwarded to the March 21, 2024 Regular Council meeting to announce the following appointments to the Committee for a four-year term:

  • Terry Noreault

  • Ken Kolba

  • Rob Bombardir

  • Jim Parsons

and the following for a two-year term:

  • Coast Guard

  • Fraser Martynuik

  • Sasha Van Kessel

  • Cam Wilson

Councillor Palm is the member of Council appointed to the Harbour Committee.


Committee meetings are open to the public. They can be viewed online or attended in person at City Hall.

June 5 at 6:30 pm
July 3 at 6:30 pm