Logo of City of Powell River

Bylaw Enforcement & Animal Control

Properties, Partnerships and Communications

Garbage, Recycling and Organics

Fire Rescue

Financial Services


Infrastructure & Operations

Parks, Recreation & Culture

DepartmentsAdministrationHuman Resources

Human Resources

The Human Resources Division is responsible for a variety of services including policy development, recruiting and staffing, benefits and compensation, labour relations, training and development, and occupational health and safety.

Human Resources administers the City's two collective agreements as well as providing advice and assistance to City staff on labour relations issues.  Our unionized employees are represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 798 and the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 1298.

Human Resources also ensures the City is in compliance with WorkSafeBC health and safety guidelines, coordinates the City's safety program and provides advice and support to management staff and employees.

The City of Powell River has diverse workforce of more than 150 people who are employed in a variety of different functions including, but not restricted to: 

  • Administration (Records management, legislative procedure, human resources) 

  • Finance (Payroll, accounts payable and receivable, revenue, properties, and city stores) 

  • Development Services (Planning, building inspection and licensing) 

  • Engineering and Operational Services (Engineering projects, capital works, roads, utilities, civic properties) 

  • Transportation (Transit, Airport, Harbours) 

  • Parks, Recreation & Culture (Recreation Complex including Evergreen Theatre, City Parks, Willingdon Beach campsite) 

  • RCMP 

  • Fire and Emergency Services (Bylaw Enforcement)

For information regarding the current employment possibilities with the City of Powell River, please see our Employment Opportunities.