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Properties, Partnerships and Communications

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Infrastructure & Operations

Parks, Recreation & Culture

DepartmentsProperties, Partnerships and CommunicationsCommunications


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The purpose of the City of Powell River’s communications policy is to ensure a consistent, coordinated, pro-active, transparent and responsive approach to communication with the public.

The intent is to provide the public with clear, accurate, consistent and objective information regarding the City’s policies, bylaws, services, initiatives and procedures. It is also to ensure that staff provides prompt responses to public inquiries regarding policies, bylaws, services, initiative and procedures, using all means of communication tools available.

The City of Powell River established a Communications Strategy in January 2017 that outlines enhancement of community engagement, external communications and internal communications. This met the City of Powell River’s Communications Policy requirement of establishing an effective public communication plan. It also established strategies to engage the public in identifying community concerns and priorities to address the public’s communication needs and concerns.

Since the implementation of the Communications Strategy, the City of Powell River has maintained a strong social media presence, through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. The City of Powell River also regularly publishes news releases, stories on social media and photographs and videos to update the public regarding the activities of the City.