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Bylaw Enforcement & Animal Control

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DepartmentsBylaw Enforcement & Animal ControlAnimal Control

Animal Control

Annual Fees

  • For every dog: $30

  • For every dog if paid before March 1: $24

  • For every dog that has moved into the City after June 30: $15

  • Replacement licence tag: $5

Licenses can be purchased at the City Hall cashier counter:
City of Powell River
City Hall
6910 Duncan Street

Licensing fees are used by the City for animal control, feeding and caring, housing, determining the dog is not a stray and can be quickly reunited with the owner, veterinary care, keeping the public safe in regards to dangerous dogs, poop bags, maintenance of dog parks and the pound facility.

Running at Large

It’s mandatory under the Animal Control Bylaw, No. 1979, 2003, that all dogs be kept on a leash and under the control of the owner when on public property, excluding off-leash parks. A leashed dog protects the owner, animal and public from the dangers of wild animals, vehicles and possible attack from other animals, as well as saving the owner the cost of possible fines.

Dogs in Parks

The majority of Powell River parks allow dogs that are on-leash. In parks that permit dogs that are on-leash, dogs are to be kept on the sidewalk or trails. Owners must be in control of their dogs at all times and are expected to pick up after their pets immediately. If they poop, you must scoop! This helps ensure everyone can enjoy Powell River’s spaces.

Off-Leash Park

Initiated by the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department, the City of Powell River recognizes the importance of dogs to our residents by providing the fenced dog off-leash park, located off Duncan Street, with the access way adjacent to Mother Nature store. The off-leash park is a safe way to exercise and socialize your dog while meeting with other dog owners.

The dog off-leash park has two designated sections for dogs to exercise off-leash. Dogs must remain under their owner’s control and that owners carry a leash with them at all times. With the exception of designated off-leash areas and private property, all dogs must be on a leash in the City of Powell River.

The dog off-leash park includes signage, a dispenser stocked with waste bags, and a trash bin.

Areas Where Dogs are Prohibited

  • Willingdon Beach Park from May 1 to September 15

  • Willingdon Beach Walkway and Float – All Year

  • Mowat Bay Park from May 1 to September 15.

Dangerous, Deceased and Abused Animals

Please refer to the following contact information:

  • After hours report of dangerous dogs at large if a threat to public safety: RCMP (604) 485-6255

  • Dead animal on highway: Capilano Highways (604) 485-9373

  • Dead animal on city roads: (604) 485-8641

  • Deceased or injured domestic animal: Animal Control (604) 485-8600

  • For injured or distressed wildlife or wildlife interactions where public
    safety may be at risk, please call the Conservation Officer RAPP line at

  • Also. for your information, you are responsible for the removal of deceased wild life on your private property

  • Suspected case of animal neglect or abuse: SPCA Cruelty Hotline

Contact Us

Report "Poop n Scoop" and Dogs off Leash in Public Areas

Call (604) 485-8600
Email animalcontrol@powellriver.ca
In person at City Hall, 6910 Duncan Street

Anonymous complaints will not be accepted by the City

Please ensure that all complaints include the following information:

• Name, address and telephone number of the complainant

• Detailed description of the complaint


8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Monday - Friday
Closed on Stat holidays

Quick Links

Dog Licence Application Form

City of Powell River Consolidated Animal Control Bylaw No. 1979, 2003