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Parks, Recreation & Culture

City of Powell River COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 Provincial and Regional Restrictions
Last Updated Friday, March 11, 2022

Starting March 11, 2022 at 12:01 am, because of B.C.'s lowered hospitalization and transmission rates, these activities can return to normal:

  • Masks no longer required in public indoor settings under a public health order

  • Masks are encouraged on public transit and BC Ferries, but not required

  • Individual businesses and event organizers can choose to continue requiring masks on their premises

  • Masks are still required for federally regulated travel, like air travel

  • No restrictions on worship service capacity

  • Overnight camps for children and youth allowed

Starting March 18, 2022 at 12:01 am,:

  • There are no visitor limits at long-term care and seniors' assisted living facilities.

  • When K to 12 schools return from spring break, masks will no longer be required for students, staff and visitors.

On April 8, 2022 at 12:01 am, further restrictions will be lifted:

  • Proof of vaccination will no longer be required to access businesses, events and services

  • Individual businesses and event organizers can choose to continue requiring proof of vaccination for entry

  • Proof of vaccination is still required for federally regulated travel, like air travel

  • Businesses will no longer need a COVID-19 safety plan. They must follow communicable disease guidance from WorkSafeBC

  • Proof of vaccination will no longer be required for post-secondary student housing

On April 18, 2022, further restrictions will be lifted, including Proof of vaccination being no longer to access businesses, events and services.

For more details of the Provincial Health Officer’s province-wide restrictions, visit the BC Government.

COVID-19 Measures at the Recreation Complex

  • Face coverings are optional for people in all indoor public settings. People may want to continue wearing a mask based on personal choice.

  • No restrictions on indoor and outdoor personal gatherings

  • Full capacity allowed for:

    • Indoor and outdoor organized events

    • Indoor events at venues

    • Exercise and fitness, adult sports activities, tournaments and swimming pools

    • Our Weight Room, Registered Programs, Drop-in Fitness, Aquatics, and Skating are all operating as scheduled.

In addition, effective April 8, 2022, at 12:01 am, the following changes will also be made to public health orders:

Showing the BC Vaccine Card proof of vaccination to access non-essential events, services and businesses will no longer be required.

Until then, proof of vaccination is required for all people 12+ who plan to use some of our services. This applies to the following:

  • Public Swimming

  • Public Skating

  • Admission to the weight room

  • Attending a fitness class/program

  • Attending adult indoor organized recreational sports & recreational programs (rec hockey, pickleball, table tennis)

  • All Spectators (12+) at indoor ticketed and non-ticketed sporting events, including youth sports, watching swim lessons, public skating, etc.

  • Indoor concerts, theatre, and dance events with more than 50 people

  • Volunteers assisting with programs and events

Proof of vaccination is NOT required for Children & Youth under 22 years participating in recreation programs (swim lessons, dance, music, & craft classes).

Prior to April 8, 2022, please ensure that you have your official proof of vaccination and government issued photo ID ready before entering the facility Please visit City of Powell River Parks, Recreation and Culture for the complete details. Due to evolving public health protocols, this information is subject to change.


If you are unable to attend a meeting in person:

1. You can observe the meeting via live stream or access the recording later.

2. If you wish to ask questions during question period there are two options:

  • A phone number will be posted on the meeting agenda and on the live webcast for the public to call with questions regarding agenda items

  • Submit a question regarding an agenda item after the start of the meeting to info@powellriver.ca

VACCINATIONS: For information on COVID-19 vaccination follow the Powell River Division of Family Practice on Facebook.

City Hall
Recreation Complex
Parks and Playgrounds
Public Works yard
Willingdon Beach Campsite
Powell River Public Library Pop-up Library
Powell River Historical Museum and Archives

COVID-19 Restrictions Enforcement: City of Powell River Bylaw Enforcement Officers provide the public with information and education of Provincial Health Orders only. They do not enforce orders. If necessary, the officers will inform the RCMP or Vancouver Coastal Health of violations. If you witness a violation, please contact info@powellriver.ca or call 604-485-8600.

qathet Regional District Emergency Operations Centre (EOC): The EOC ceased operations at midnight on June 30, 2021. The EOC was activated following the provincial state of emergency announced on March 18, 2020.

Government of BC: Response to COVID-19

Government of Canada: Links to COVID-19 (coronavirus) information for Canadians including current situation, statistics, financial support, your health, travel, immigration, and safety.

The City implements measures and actions to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by following directives, orders and restrictions from the Provincial Health Officer, BC Centre for Disease Control, Government of BC, Vancouver Coastal Health and Government of Canada.

News, updates and any changes to the City’s COVID-19 responses and actions are posted here and on Facebook and Twitter. If you require more information or have any questions not addressed on this page, please email info@powellriver.ca or call 604-485-6291.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate and comply with health orders.